Armoured Up

Authority >Power

14_power-authorityWhich is greater…Authority or Power? A question I posed to my son this morning as he was sharing regarding the devotion he read last night. As we talked about the scripture which speaks about us doing greater works than Him, I showed my son Luke 10:19 – “Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” What came from my lips next was a gift. My son caught it and repeated it back to me so that I could write it down…”The enemy may have power, but you have been given the authority over his power. If you use your authority, then the enemy’s power cannot be used against you successfully!” I have given you authority…and nothing…(no thing, condition, circumstance, person) shall by any means hurt you!!

I thought of the soldier, strong and packing, fully capable of taking out his commander, but fully submitted and yielded to him, because of the authority which the commander stands in, or the officer directing traffic, his uniform causing traffic to obey him.

I’m encouraged today, knowing who I am and to Whom I belong. I’m standing in my authority, releasing His word and ducking every fiery dart the enemy may shoot my way. I’m not denying the power of the enemy…I’m simply resisting him and reminding him that I have been given authority over ALL of his power. Now shoo!

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6 thoughts on “Authority >Power

  1. AMEN!! Love this inspiring post! Thanks for sharing..Blessings to you!

  2. Amen! Very well written! Thank you for sharing.

  3. Your son is a wise man. This is truly a subject I’ve never considered. Thank you for arming me with this reminder of authority vs power.

  4. Rashayna on said:

    This is good!! I love pictures bc it depicts the difference perfectly. How beautiful it is to share such an impactful moment with your son. To me power=self sufficient and authority=God sufficient.

  5. Reblogged this on servehiminthewaiting and commented:
    A wonderful reminder!

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