Armoured Up

Just When You Think They’re Not Listening…

Day one of my daughter’s high school religion class made for plenty of conversation around the dinner table yesterday. She was a little too concerned about religion class…well actually, she’s been concerned about geometry, lit, history, spanish and geography, but strangely enough she is so prepared for drama (imagine MY daughter dramatic?) She can’t wait for lunch and nutrition break and she’d be running with the cross country team at 6:00 a.m. except that her hair would be a “hot mess” afterwards. “This is the first week of school, mom!!” That’s my girl!!

Anyway, she really did have what she considers to be a legitimate concern regarding religion. She is attending a Catholic “College Prep” high school and as such, this school is super big on open communication, independent thinking, choices, responsibility and such, which is a beautiful thing and I have seen our son flourish in this setting in the last two years.

Yesterday during religion class kids spoke up about their beliefs and some were bold about the fact that they do not believe or weren’t sure what they believed, while there was the one who said he was searching. My daughter said it was strange to sit in a class room where there wasn’t unity in that area and she was grieved. “Oh boy,” I said…”welcome to the real world. Now that is a foretaste of college, for real!” They have been given an assignment to present a song, a poem, or story which would be “meditative” in nature and to end their presentation with a prayer. She said she was excited to share whatever the Lord puts on her heart. She asked me to pray for her.

When it was my turn to encourage my girl, I told her that it’s okay to question…how else would you find answers. It’s ok to be grieved, but not okay to judge where others are in their process. I shared with my girl that the good news is that she was tweaked by the conversation and the great news is that she is looking forward to her turn at bat and is praying about how best to present her beliefs.

Today as I recalled this conversation I prayed for my children, as they are closer and closer to being launched out into the world. I made a mental note to start discussing with them what they believe and why. I recalled that since they were too young to understand, I had been praying that they would not be tossed and turned by the philosophies of man or man’s doctrines, but that they would be rooted and grounded in God’s word. I recalled that I have prayed that they would eschew evil and do good; that they would be led by the spirit of God and not by their emotions or flesh; that the angel of the Lord would be encamped around them; that God loved them and had an extraordinary plan for their future; that they would know Him and be known by Him; they would love Him and serve Him.

I can’t help but feel a bit panicked at the thought of them leaving the nest. God, have I prepared them enough? Am I prepared enough to let them go? Will they remember lessons learned? Will they serve You? Will they make choices that line up with Your will, plan and purpose for them?

And then I am quieted, knowing that they are His children on loan to me and those areas that I could have been stronger in will be filled in by Him. I am at peace knowing that just when I thought they were not listening, they were and are. Thank You Jesus!

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4 thoughts on “Just When You Think They’re Not Listening…

  1. Rashayna on said:

    Amen! What a powerful conversation and I am excited to hear what The Lord puts on your baby girls heart to share! I am printing your prayer and adding it to my prayers for my children! I am continuing to take copious notes from you mighty woman of God!

    • Love you Rashayna:) Pray for my girl in the meantime. Her turn at bat is on 9/11 — Imagine the ways she can minister with that date as the subject! xoxo

  2. Oh Arlene this was wonderful. I’ve taken a powder for a while. Writing my book has filled EVERY spare moment. So I haven’t really been reading or going places that take my focus. But this was so worth it.
    I remember when my daughter came home from her first day at a public elementary school. Up through 3rd grade she’d attended a private Christian one. And exclaimed, “mom they don’t pray before they eat!”

  3. bentleybear2013 on said:

    Lenee, I love this!!!!!! Such great growth for our children, to be in an environment where not everyone is like minded, but yet come home to a loving family that will speak truth, in love! Arlene you are an amazing mama and you have grounded, rooted and wonderful children!!!!!!!! Bless you and all you efforts to instill the truth of the gospel in them, they will not depart from it!

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